Saturday, January 10, 2009

Updates on Grandpa

I’m sorry I did not update last night, so I am a day behind but I will try to get everyone back up to date. Yesterday morning(January 8th) he was not feeling so great his blood pressure was worse and the Doctors had some concerns about his Kidneys. They decided to do a CT scan to get a better look at what was going on. (I’m not sure on the results of the scan) Because of his blood pressure dropping they were having a hard time keeping him comfortable with the pain medicine they could give him so they moved him to the ICU were they could give him a different type of medicine that is better for his blood pressure. He seemed to be feeling better as the afternoon went on but didn’t get much sleep during the night.
I was talking to my Dad last night on his way to the Hospital and he shared some neat things that happened on Wednesday. My parents (Roger& Alane), Kent & Shannon and Larry & Pat were at the Hospital meeting with the Doctors trying to decide the best thing for Grandpa. After they had talked with the Doctors Kent gave a family prayer that really helped to invite the spirit there to help them know what choices they should make in Grandpa’s behalf. The brothers (Kent, Roger & Larry) had talked and they felt that Grandpa had lived a good long life and if he was ready to go back to his Heavenly home his family was okay with that. They wanted Grandpa to know how they felt so in the blessing that Roger gave him he told Grandpa that if he felt it was time and if Heavenly Father was ready that they were okay with him returning home with Grandma and Carolyn. He also said that if it was not his time to go that he would be blessed with the strength to have surgery. He blessed him that he would be able to sleep and that Heavenly Father would ease his pain with the help of medicine. My Dad said you could really feel that the spirit. After the blessing Grandpa was alert and awake so each of his Son’s and their wife’s stood by his bed and had a special moment with Grandpa. As they were getting ready to leave Grandpa would say things like “Honey I want to go with you” the Brothers felt as if he was talking to Grandma.
We are not sure what the next few days will bring but, what we do know is that we have the blessing of the gospel in our lives. And our Heavenly Father has a plan for each one of us and he knows the desirers of our hearts and he will watch and bless Grandpa as well as his family during this time.

A New Update
Today (January 9) I was able to go see Grandpa I wasn’t too sure how he would be doing or if I was ready to see him in that situation. When I walked in his room I felt a clam feeling about his room. He was lying asleep peacefully in his bed I didn’t want to wake him but wanted to tell him I was there and that I loved him. As soon as I talked to him he looked up at me and looked right in my eyes, I asked if he knew who I was and he shook his head yes. Then closed his eyes again and listen to me talk to him. I could tell he was listening because after I said something he would try to talk back to me. I didn’t stay long because I knew he didn’t get much sleep the night before. As I left I talked to his nurse he said that Grandpa had been doing quite well today for a man of his age. They were able to take the oxygen off and he was keeping his oxygen levels at about 96% or higher when he was awake and at 95% or higher when sleeping which is a normal oxygen reading. He also said that his blood pressure was better today and they didn’t need to give him as much medicine as they had before to keep it under control. They check his kidneys and they looked good they also found a better way to move his leg to take some of the pressure of his hip so between that and the pain medicine he was able to be comfortable. His nurse also told me that they had him on some pain meds but not a high enough amount that he should be that sleepy he was able to work with his body and inner strength to control his pain enough to get some much needed rest.


Gwen Mangelson said...

so this was posted over a month ago- hope we get a new post soon!

love and hugs to all
Gwen & Kay

Gwen Mangelson said...

Kasey needs help from his family-
you can see him on you tube here:

please share this with your everyone! there is a full post on my blog