This is the last picture I have of him.
I knew it would be my last visit with him.
During our short visit we talked about "dancing in the kitchen"
I will always remember standing on my grandpa's feet and dancing through the house.
I even found this picture and my mom had written on the back,
"dancing with Grandpa"

Last night my kids were asking me about my Grandpa. I told them this story.
My Grandpa was a counselor in the Manti Temple Presidency for many years. One summer when I was 9 years old I got to go stay with them for a few days in their little apartment at the bottom of temple hill. While they would work in the temple for a few hours I would stay at their apartment and color and eat grandma's treats and watch The Price is Right. One morning the phone rang and it my Grandpa. He told me to put my church dress on and meet him at the temple and he would be waiting for me.
As I was walking up the hill I remember being nervous because I didn't see my Grandpa.
And then just as I got up to the temple the temple door opened and my Grandpa was standing there all in white and gave me a hug.
He held my hand and we walked inside the temple.
For a minute I thought maybe I was doing something wrong because I knew I wasn't old enough to go in the temple yet, but I also knew that my Grandpa wouldn't take me anywhere I wasn't supposed to go.
I remember seeing the chandelier in the temple and thinking to myself that this was the most beautiful place I had ever been in.
Turns out my Grandpa just wanted to have lunch with me. He took me downstairs to the cafeteria and we had lunch with my Grandma.
I look back on that day and realize that is the day I knew that someday I would be married in the temple.
Twelve summers later my Grandpa sealed Kyle and I in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple for time and all eternity.
My Grandpa was holding my mom's hand as she passed away. He kept talking to her right until the end. He was crying and I knew how hard that was for him as a father to see his only daughter pass on before him.
I know yesterday there was an amazing reunion as my mom was with both her parents again. How happy my Grandpa must have been to see them both dressed in white waiting for him.
He must have been as happy as I was on that summer day when my Grandpa all dressed in white was waiting for me.
I will miss you Grandpa.
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